Value on a budget!
Featured great items under $150!
- 2 Pack Replacement Bulb set for Sakura Tissue-Tek TEC 5 Tissue Embedding Console System $39.99
- 22 Racks (2112 tips) RAININ Tips LTS 1ML Prstr RT-L1000SLR p/n 17007953 Out of stock
- 500ul 96 Well Assay Clear Plate, cat no. 391-02-502 Out of stock
- Agilent Alumina Powder Microgrit Out of stock
- Agilent G1946-60013 LON junction PCA $119.00
- Agilent Solvent inlet filter 12-14um SS $79.98
- American Optical 1051 Microscope Illuminator Transformer Out of stock
- American Optical AO Spencer "Forty" Stereo inspection microscope Out of stock
- American Optical Spencer Microbial Colony Counter Model 3330 Darkfield $130.00
- AutoGenomics Infiniti 6x126 Pipette Tips Cat no: 11 008 Out of stock
- Barnstead Thermolyne Type 17600 Dri-Bath Incubator w/ 20 Well Heat Block Temp Tested! $99.00
- Barnstead/Thermolyne Type 1900 Hot Plate 6" x 6" HPA1915B w/ Variable Temp 120V - TESTED! $149.00
- Bausch & Lomb Microscope Planachromat Objective 40X 0.65 NA 0.18 Cover Glass $75.00
- Benchmark Scientific MyFuge Mini Centrifuge $149.00
- Bio-Rad Model EM-1 Econo UV monitor $120.00
- Biohazard Specimen Bags 6" X 9" - 1000 Count Case Out of stock
- Bodine gear motor 24Y0BEPM-A2 Out of stock
- Carl Zeiss AttoArc lamp controller for microscope $149.00
- ChemGlass reaction block, 4 Dram (16mL), 21 position, CG-1991-06 for hot plates Out of stock
- Civil Defense CD V-750 Dosimeter Charger w/ 4 V-742 Dosimeter QFD Pens - Tested Out of stock
- Cole Parmer 150-mm Direct Reading Flowmeter (N092-04) w/ MFV valve, tripod base $149.00
- Corning PC-35 Lab Hot Plate 6" x 7" w/ Variable Temp 120V - TESTED to 895F ! $149.00
- Dionex HPLC Chromatography Waste Bottles and carrier basket Out of stock