Hotplates, Heating Mantles, Heated Stirrers
Barnstead Thermolyne MIRAK 4 Position Magnetic Bead stirrer 12.5" X 12.5" Platform Out of stock
Barnstead Thermolyne Type 2200 Porcelain Coated Steel Large Hot Plate with remote control Out of stock
Barnstead/Thermolyne Type 1900 Hot Plate 6" x 6" HPA1915B w/ Variable Temp 120V - TESTED! Out of stock
ChemGlass reaction block, 4 Dram (16mL), 21 position, CG-1991-06 for hot plates Out of stock
Corning Model PC-510 10"x10" Magnetic Stirrer Tested Works Great - VIDEO! $229.00
Corning PC-35 Lab Hot Plate 6" x 7" w/ Variable Temp 120V - TESTED to 895F ! $149.00
Electrothermal HM0100-HS1 Hemispherical Heating Mantle, Fabric 120V 80 Watts $65.00
Electrothermal MV 2403 50-2000ml 300W Heating Mantle, Fabric 120V 450C $249.00
Fisher Scientific 11-500-7S 7"x7 " Magnetic Laboratory Stirrer - Video! $169.00
Fisher Scientific ISOTEMP Ceramic Hotplate Stirrer - Ambient to 400 C - Video! Out of stock
Fisher Scientific ISOTEMP Hotplate with Stirrer - Ambient to 550 C - Video! $459.00
Glas-Col 0-396 Hemispherical Heating Mantle, Fabric 115V 80 Watts Out of stock
Glas-Col 0-406 Hemispherical Heating Mantle, 500 ml Flask, Fabric 115V 270 Watts Out of stock
Hanna Instruments HI 300N Laboratory Magnetic Stirrer - Stainless Steel Top $75.00
IKA Eurostar power-b PWR BSC S1 Overhead Mixer / Stirrer 50-2000 RPM - VIDEO! Out of stock
PermeGear V9-CA-1 Stirrer V-Series Manual Diffusion System - Exceptional Condition Out of stock
Phipps & Bird 7790-400 Flocculation Stirrer - Jar Tester with FLOC illuminator Base Out of stock
Phipps and Bird Model 300 Six 6 Position Jar Tester / Lab Paddle Stirrer 0-100 RPM Out of stock
Phipps and Bird Model 7790-900B Steel Jar Tester-Lab Stirrer, 6-Paddle w/ Illuminated Base, up to 300 RPM Out of stock
Phipps and Bird Model PB-700 Jar Tester-Lab Stirrer, 6-Paddle w/ Illuminated Base, up to 300 RPM Out of stock
Phipps and Bird Model PB-700 Jar Tester-Lab Stirrer, 6-Paddle w/ Illuminated Base, up to 300 RPM Out of stock
Phipps and Bird Model PB-700 Jar Tester-Lab Stirrer, 6-Paddle w/ Illuminated Base, up to 300 RPM $2,500.00
Thermo Cimarec i Multipoint 15 Laboratory Stirrer 80-2000 RPM Out of stock
Thermo Cimarec i Poly 15 Laboratory Stirrer 130-990 RPM Out of stock