Standard Centrifuges

#2 SHANDON Cytospin 3 Centrifuge w/ Rotor - Works Great! See Video! Out of stock
2013 Thermo Scientific Savant DNA 120 Speed Vac Concentrator - Exceptional Condition! Out of stock
2019 Thermo Scientific Small Benchtop Medifuge Centrifuge with Rotor - Exceptional Condition! Out of stock
2019 Thermo Sorvall Legend Micro 21 R Refrigerated MicroCentrifuge w/ 24 x 4g Rotor $2,899.00
2019 Thermo Sorvall Legend XTR Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ TX-750 Rotor, Buckets - Exceptional! $4,799.00
2020 Thermo Sorvall ST 8R Refrigerated Benchtop centrifuge w/ Swing Bucket Rotor Out of stock
2021 THERMO Megafuge 8 Centrifuge w/ HIGHConic™ III Fixed Angle Rotor Only 119 Runs! $3,500.00
Barnstead Thermolyne Speci-Mix M26125 tube rocker w/ PAD - VIDEO! $249.00
Beckman AIRFUGE High Speed UltraCentrifuge w/ ACR-90 Chylomicron Rotor - Works Great! $2,499.00
Beckman Coulter Microfuge 18 Centrifuge w/ Rotor & Lid and Warranty Out of stock
Beckman Coulter Spinchron DLX Benchtop Centrifuge with Rotor Out of stock
BELLCO 20Lbs Standard Laboratory Rocker Platform 115v 10" x 10" Tray + 20"×20" Expansion Tray! $725.00
Benchmark benchtop Microcentrifuge MyFuge 12 mini centrifuge w/ Combi-Rotor 120 Volts C1012 Out of stock
Benchmark PlateFuge C2000 MicroPlate MicroCentrifuge W/ ROTOR & CARRIERS #2 $450.00
Benchmark PlateFuge C2000 MicroPlate MicroCentrifuge W/ ROTOR - Great Shape! $499.00
Benchmark Scientific MyFuge Mini Centrifuge $149.00
Branson SFX550 Sonifier 550W Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor w/ 102-C Converter 120V $3,500.00
Clay Adams 420630 Agglutination Viewer w/ Magnifying Mirror Out of stock
Clay Adams Compact II Benchtop Centrifuge w/ Fixed Angle 2x15mL tube rotor Out of stock
Clay Adams Compact II Benchtop Centrifuge w/ Fixed Angle 2x15mL tube rotor Out of stock
Clay Adams Compact II Benchtop Centrifuge w/ Fixed Angle 2x15mL tube rotor Out of stock
Clay Adams DYNAC 0101 Centrifuge with 24 Place Fixed Angle Tube Rotor $529.00
Clay Adams DYNAC Variable Speed Benchtop Centrifuge w/ Swing tube rotor Out of stock
Clay Adams Nutator 421105 Mixer Laboratory Test Tube Rocker Rotator 9"x5" Platform - Exceptional Condition! $299.00