
A bath is laboratory equipment made from a container filled with a liquid medium. It is used to incubate samples at a constant temperature over a long period of time. Baths have a digital or an analogue interface to allow users to set a desired temperature.
2016 THERMO MaxQ 7000 Analog Heated Water Bath Orbital Shaker w/ Racks, Lid Out of stock
Barnstead Lab-Line MaxQ 7000 Digital Water Bath Orbital Shaker E-Class Out of stock
Barnstead Thermolyne Type 17600 Dri-Bath Incubator w/ 20 Well Heat Block Temp Tested! $99.00
Benchmark BSH5002 myBlock II Dry Bath, Dual Position w/ 2 Quick-Flip BLOCKS 120 Volts $499.00
BENCHMARK SCIENTIFIC BSH1002 Digital Dry Bath, 2 Block - TESTED to 149C ! $399.00
Boekel Grant PB-600 High Temperature Heated Water Bath, 6 Liter capacity 100C $299.00
Boekel/Grant HTB3000 High Temperature Bath, 39 Liter capacity $2,999.00
Buchi R-200 Rotovapor Set i-300 Interface Controller, Rotovap B-490 Bath, Condenser Out of stock
Buchi R-205 Rotovapor Set V-800 Vacuum Controller, Rotovap B-490 Bath, V-500 Pump Out of stock
Caron 2050W heated / refrigerated temperature bath, circulating chiller Out of stock
Elma Elmasonic P70H Ultra Sonic Heated Bath Cleaner 1.8 Gallon - Video! $1,500.00
Fisher Allied Versa Bath Model 133 General Purpose small 5L Heated Lab Water Bath $99.00
Fisher Scientific 11-718 2050FS Dual Temp Dry Bath Incubator w/ 20 Well Heat Block Temp Tested! $179.00
Fisher Scientific 11-718 Dual Temp Dry Bath Incubator w/ 24 Well Heat Block Temp Tested! Out of stock
Fisher Scientific 11-718 Dual Temp Dry Bath Incubator w/ 24 Well Heat Block Temp Tested! Out of stock
Fisher Scientific 11-718-4 Dual Temp Dry Bath Incubator w/ Dual 24 Well Heat Blocks Out of stock
Fisher Scientific Flotation Bath 135 TissuePrep with Glass Tray - Temp Tested to 50C $375.00
Fisher Scientific ISOTEMP 205 Heated Laboratory Water Bath 5L 120 Volts - Great Shape! $499.00
Fisher Scientific ISOTEMP 220 Heated Laboratory Water Bath 20L 120 Volts - Great Shape! Out of stock
Fisher Scientific Isotemp 4100 H5P Open Heated PPO Water Bath Circulator 95C 5L 120 Volts - Great Shape! $950.00
Fisher Scientific TissuePrep 2L Flotation Bath Model 134 - Temp Tested to 200F Out of stock
Hetofrig CB11 Refrigerated temperature bath, lab chiller Heto Inter Med Out of stock
Neslab GP-200 heated temperature bath with chiller coil, 110V Out of stock
Neslab Instuments RTE-111 Digital Recirculating Lab Chiller Heated Water Bath Out of stock