Vacuum pumps

A vacuum pump is a device that removes gas molecules from a sealed volume in order to leave behind a partial vacuum.
Agilent 7500ce ICP-MS, Cetac ASX-520 Autosampler, chiller, vacuum pump Out of stock
Agilent Varian DS102 Vacuum Pump, Model SQ395, 120V, 1 phase, tested, warranty Out of stock
Agilent Varian DS302 Vacuum Pump, Model 949-9325S006, 120V, 1 phase, tested $950.00
Applied Biosystems MDS Sciex XDS35i Oil-Free XDS Edwards Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump Out of stock
BioTek Standard Vacuum Pump for Microplate Washers 405 LS 405 Touch, EL406, ELx405 Out of stock
Buchi V-1000P Vacuum Pump - Dual V500 configuration $1,950.00
Edwards 3 RV3, A652-01-906 Vacuum Pump, 115 VAC, new old stock Out of stock
Edwards E2M1.5, Agilent G1099-80023 Vacuum Pump, Hydrocarbon oil, 115 VAC Out of stock
Edwards E2M1.5, Agilent G1099-80023 Vacuum Pump, Hydrocarbon oil, 115 VAC Out of stock
Edwards E2M2 Vacuum Pump, 110V $700.00
Edwards E2M2 Vacuum Pump, 110V $700.00
EDWARDS KNF Laboratory Diaphragm Vacuum Pump PM 13196-840.3 Out of stock
Edwards RV8 6.9 CFM Dual-Stage Vacuum Pump with Bellow 120 Volt Out of stock
Edwards RV8 6.9 CFM Dual-Stage Vacuum Pump with Bellow 220V $1,100.00
Edwards XDS5 Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump, Tested, excellent condition! $2,800.00
Gast DOA-P104-AA Vacuum Pump Air Compressor 115 Volts - Works Great, See Video! Out of stock
KNF Laboport neuberger vacuum pump Structured Diaphragm Type UN840.1.2FTP Out of stock
KNF Laboport neuberger Vacuum Pump Structured Diaphragm Type UN840.3FTP Out of stock
KNF Vacuum Pump Controller PU 844-N840.0-1.97 Out of stock
Labconco 117 Rotary Vane Laboratory Vacuum Pump N038-85-500, tested, see video Out of stock
Labconco 195 Dual-Stage Rotary Vane Laboratory Vacuum Pump N038-85-600 Out of stock
Leybold Sogevac SV40Bi Single-stage, oil-sealed Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump SV 40 B i Out of stock
MTI Corporation GSL-1100X-S High Temperature Furnace, vacuum pump, pressure controller Out of stock