
An optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.
American Optical 1051 Microscope Illuminator Transformer Out of stock
American Optical AO BioStar Tissue Culture Inverted Microscope 10x 4x 6.5x Objectives $450.00
American Optical AO Spencer "Fifty" Stereo inspection microscope 100x 45x Objectives $199.00
American Optical AO Spencer "Forty" Stereo inspection microscope Out of stock
American Optical AO Spencer "One Fifty" Inspection microscope 45x 10x Dark Phase Objectives $199.00
American Optical AO Spencer 1036 Microscope - Good condition Out of stock
American Optical K-1453 Comparison Forensic Microscope Out of stock
AmScope IN200 Series Inverted Biological Trinocular Compound Microscope 50W Halogen 10MP USB 3.0 C-mount Camera $850.00
AO American Optical Inspection Microscope with 15X W.F. Eyepieces $250.00
AO American Optical One-ten 110 1.25x Microscope w/ 100x 40x 10x 4x Objectives $399.00
Arcturus PixCell IIe Laser Capture Microdissection Microscope, for parts or repair $2,400.00
Bausch & Lomb Microscope Planachromat Objective 40X 0.65 NA 0.18 Cover Glass $75.00
Bausch & Lomb Vari-Power StereoZoom 4 Stereo Inspection Microscope w/ Articulating Boom $599.00
Carl Zeiss AttoArc lamp controller for microscope $149.00
Carl Zeiss Laboratory Microscope 2Fl Filters PH2 Plan 40 Phaco2 Planapo PH3 Neofluar Ph2 $1,899.00
Carl Zeiss LSM 710 Microscope Scan Module, Quasar-34Ch 1410-054 Out of stock
Dual Leica DM2500 Microscopes w/ FS4000 Forensic Bridge HCX PL FLUOTAR Objectives + Camera $12,500.00
EPREDIA Thermo SlideMate AS Microscope Slide Printer w/ Delivery System - Video! $5,000.00
FiberOptic Specialties, LS86/110 Fiber Optic Light Source for Microscope - Tested! Out of stock
Fisher Scientific Illuminator Fiber-Optic Microscope Light Source, 12-562-36 Out of stock
Fisher Scientific Inverted Microscope 20x 10x 4x Objectives, 12-575-250 $1,500.00
Fisher Scientific Micromaster 12-563-31 microscope, 4 objectives, digital imaging, LCD viewer $1,199.00
Fisher Scientific StereoMaster 2-4x Inspection Microscope w/ 2 x 10x EyePieces $250.00