
A shaker is a piece of laboratory equipment used to mix, blend, or to agitate substances in tube(s) or flask(s) by shaking them, which is mainly used in the fields of chemistry and biology. A shaker contains an oscillating surface which is used to place the flasks, beakers, test tubes, etc. Although the magnetic stirrer has come to replace the uses of shaker lately, the shaker is still a preferred choice of equipment when dealing with such large volume substances, or simultaneous agitation is required.
2016 THERMO MaxQ 7000 Analog Heated Water Bath Orbital Shaker w/ Racks, Lid Out of stock
2022 CORNING LSE Corning 6780-FP LOW SPEED ORBITAL SHAKER 30 x 30 cm platform $450.00
Barnstead Lab-Line MaxQ 7000 Digital Water Bath Orbital Shaker E-Class Out of stock
Barnstead Thermolyne T400110 Labquake Shaker Rotisserie - Video! Out of stock
Burrell Scientific Wrist Action Model 75 Laboratory Shaker - VIDEO! Out of stock
Cole Palmer 51401-00 adjustable laboratory mixing/rocker/tilt shaker table Out of stock
Fisher Scientific Boekel Ocelot Shaker Model # 260301F $499.00
Fisherbrand Microplate Shaker with 4-Place Platform 150-1000 RPM 120 Volt - Nice! $425.00
IKA MS1 S1 Variable Speed Digital Vortex Mixer Shaker w/ Power Supply $150.00
IKA MS3 B (Agilent) Microplate Shaker/Vortexer with Power supply -- Great Condition! $450.00
IKA MS3 B (Agilent) Variable Speed Digital Vortex Mixer Shaker w/ Power Supply $325.00
IKA MS3 B S036 Shaker/Vortexer Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer - Exceptional Condition! $425.00
IKA MS3 Vortex Mixer Shaker - Exceptional Condition! Out of stock
Labnet Vortemp 56 Laboratory Microtube Incubator Shaker Out of stock
Labnet Vortemp 56 Laboratory Microtube Incubator Shaker $1,250.00
New Brunswick Innova 2000 Open Air Laboratory Platform Shaker Mixer w/ Accessories Out of stock
New Brunswick Innova 2000 Open Air Platform Shaker Out of stock
Scientific Industries Enviro-Genie Incubator Shaker SI-1200, Parts or Repair Out of stock
STUART SI-500 Laboratory Benchtop Incubator Orbital Shaker 120V - Excellent Condition! $2,500.00
Thermo Barnstead Labline Titer Plate Shaker 4625 11" Platform 120V FULLY TESTED $399.00
Thermo Scientific 88880023 Compact Digital Microplate Shaker w/ Warranty $475.00
Thermo Scientific MaxQ 4000 SHKE4000-7 Incubated/Refrigerated Benchtop Shaker Out of stock
Thermo Scientific MaxQ 4450 Benchtop Orbital Shaker Incubator. Nice condition. Out of stock
Thermo Scientific MaxQ 4450 Digital HEATED Benchtop Orbital Shaker Incubator - Tested! $3,250.00