Liquid Handlers

Baxter BAXA Pharmacy Repeater Pump Model 099R Out of stock
Baxter BAXA Pharmacy Repeater Pump Model 099R with foot pedal Out of stock
Beckman Coulter Biomek 2000 Liquid Handling System Out of stock
BRAND HandyStep Electronic Repetitive Pipette with Charging Base Out of stock
Cole Palmer MasterFlex L/S 07528-20 w/ 77200-52 Easy-Load II Peristaltic Pump DUAL Head Out of stock
Cole Palmer MasterFlex L/S 7557-04 w/ 7557-02 Easy-Load II Peristaltic Pump & 77200-50 head Out of stock
Cole Parmer 77201-60 MasterFlex L/S Easy-Load II Pump Head with WARRANTY $425.00
Cole Parmer 77202-60 MasterFlex L/S Easy-Load II Pump Head with WARRANTY $425.00
Cole Parmer MasterFlex I/P 7592-82 w/ Easy-Load 77601-60 & 7592-40 0.2 HP Pump Drive $2,450.00
Cole Parmer MasterFlex L/S 07522-20 w/ 77200-60 Easy-Load II Pump Head $1,850.00
Cole Parmer MasterFlex L/S Peristaltic Pump Drive 7540-12 Fixed Speed 12 rpm $225.00
Cole Parmer MasterFlex L/S Peristaltic Pump Drive 7540-60 Fixed Speed 60 rpm $225.00
Eppendorf EpMotion 5070 Automated Liquid Handling System with built-in PC Out of stock
Eppendorf Repeater Xstream Pipetter Limited Edition Signed by Kary Mullis Nobel Winner Out of stock
Eppendorf Research Pro Single Channel 5-100uL Electronic Pipette w/ Charger, New Battery & Manual! Out of stock
EST Varian Archon Purge & Trap 51 Position Autosampler #1, Water, Soil Out of stock
EST Varian Archon Purge & Trap 81 Position Autosampler #2, Water, Soil $8,600.00
Fisherbrand Elite Pipetter Stand - Fisher Scientific 6 Position - Exceptional Condition! $84.99
Gilson 215 SPE Nebula Series Liquid Handler Valve Mate with Lots of Accessories - Video! $3,000.00
Gilson MINIPULS 2 peristaltic pump, great condition, warranty, see video! Out of stock
Gilson MINIPULS 3 peristaltic pump Out of stock
Gilson Trackman Laboratory Pipette Tracker Assistant Out of stock
IDEXX Quanti-Tray Sealer Model 2x Out of stock
IDEXX Quanti-Tray Sealer Model 2x Out of stock