Power Supplies

D.C. variable bench supply (a bench power supply usually refers to a power supply capable of supplying a variety of output voltages useful for bench testing electronic circuits, possibly with continuous variation of the output voltage, or just some preset voltages; a laboratory (lab) power supply normally implies an accurate bench power supply, while a balanced or tracking power supply refers to twin supplies for use when a circuit requires both positive and negative supply rails).
2 GEL Electrode INSERT for BIO RAD MINI PROTEAN Tetra Cell System 552BR2 Out of stock
2017 Bio-Rad TC20 Automated Cell Counter with WARRANTY TC 20 Out of stock
2018 Bio Rad Protean i12 IEF Cell Isoelectric Focusing Protein System w/ Warranty $3,500.00
2019 Bio-Rad TC20 Automated Cell Counter with WARRANTY TC 20 $2,000.00
Agilent E3630A 35 W Triple Output, 6V, 2.5A & ±20V, 0.5A Bench Power Supply Out of stock
Agilent G1946-60013 LON junction PCA $119.00
Agilent G1946-80004 Pirani Gauge Lo, Granville-Phillips 275 Mini-Convectron $299.00
Agilent G1946-80005 Triode (high-vacuum) Ion Gauge with Lon Interface , New old stock! Out of stock
Agilent G2589-80063 Popbridge Turbo Power Supply, 75V, E225107A, Tested with warranty Out of stock
Agilent Tech G1329-60009 Transport Unit Assembly - NEW IN BOX! Out of stock
Bio Rad Cat No HSP9655 Hard Shell PCR Plates 96 Well Thin Wall - 2 CASES of 50 $450.00
BIO RAD MINI PROTEAN Tetra Cell System 552BR - 2 GEL System Out of stock
BIO RAD MINI PROTEAN Tetra Cell System 552BR - 4 GEL System Out of stock
BIO RAD MINI PROTEAN Tetra Cell System 552BR - 4 GEL System $475.00
Bio-Rad CHEF 1703649 Electrophoresis Cell for CHEF Mapper XA, CHEF DR-II, and CHEF DR-III Out of stock
Bio-Rad CHEF 1703649 Electrophoresis Cell for CHEF Mapper XA, CHEF DR-II, CHEF DR-III Out of stock
Bio-Rad Criterion Cell 135BR midi electrophoresis cell $450.00
Bio-Rad Gene Pulser, Capacitance Extender, Pulse Controller, Shocking chamber Out of stock
Bio-Rad MicroPulser Electroporator 100-120V 220-240V With Warranty Out of stock
BIO-RAD model 200/2.0 power supply $499.00
Bio-Rad PowerPac Basic Electrophoresis Power Supply TESTED w/ Warranty Out of stock
Bio-Rad PowerPac Basic Electrophoresis Power Supply TESTED w/ Warranty Out of stock
Bio-Rad PowerPac Basic Electrophoresis Power Supply TESTED w/ Warranty $249.00
Bio-Rad PowerPac HC Electrophoresis Power Supply TESTED w/ Warranty $675.00