Value on a budget!
Featured great items under $150!
Olympus CLK-3 Cold Light Supply Source Endoscopy Endoscope w/ NEW BULBS Out of stock
Olympus U-TV1X CCD Camera Attachment Adapter w/ 580DF30 XF3022 Filter $50.00
Olympus WHB10X/20 Microscope Eyepiece Out of stock
Oriental Motor Model 41K25A-AW2-E4 Induction Motor $90.00
Orion OA80AP-11-1 TB AC Cooling Fan : 115VAC - 50/60 Hz - 12/9 Watt $45.00
Precise Instrument Corp. AT-08 Load Cell Signal Conditioner 20-28Vdc $45.00
Qiagen Cat No./ID: 990512 50 µl Conductive Filtered Tips Out of stock
Qiagen Cat No./ID: 990522 200 µl Conductive Filtered Tips Out of stock
Qiagen Cat No./ID: 990552 5 ml Tube; Graduated, Flat-Base *New* $14.99
RAININ 1000μL Presterilized Filter Green-Pak LTS Pipette Tips GP-L1000F - Qty: 480 Out of stock
RAININ 200μL Presterilized Filter Green-Pak LTS Pipette Tips GP-L200F (960/Pack) Out of stock
RAININ 20μL Presterilized Filter Green-Pak LTS Pipette Tips GP-L10F (960/Pack) Out of stock
Rainin EDP-3 PLUS Single Channel Electronic Pipette 20-200uL, New Battery - See Video! Out of stock
Rainin Pipet-Lite XLS 7 Position Benchtop Pipette Stand $75.00
Rainin Pipet-Lite XLS L-10 / 0.5-10uL / Single Channel Pipette with Warranty $125.00
Rainin Pipet-Lite XLS L-20 / 2-20uL / Single Channel Pipette with Warranty $125.00
Reichert 100x / 1.25 OIL Plan Achro Microscope Objective 1311 Out of stock
Reichert 100x / 1.25 OIL Plan Achro Microscope Objective 1311 $99.00
Reichert-Jung Series 150 Binocular Microscope w/ 4 Objectives 4X 10X 40X 100X Out of stock
Scilogex MX-S Vortex Mixer w/ Orbital Shaking Movement 82120004 $129.00
Scilogex MX-S Vortex Mixer w/ Orbital Shaking Movement 82120004 - B Grade $99.00
Sensor Technology Engineering Radiation Pager S $125.00
Set of 2 Bodine Gear Motor 24A F-83X Brush - Part Number 49200032 $19.99
Set of 4 American Optical Microscope Objectives Achromat Oil 100x 45x 10x 4x Out of stock