Staff Picks!
Dionex ICS-3000 Conductivity Detector (PN: 061830) $950.00
IEC Centra CL-2 CL2 centrifuge, 809 rotor, warranty $950.00
SciGene Hybex Microsample Incubator 115V AC Tested with Warranty $950.00
Olympus BH Microscope Dual Viewing/Teaching Arm Tube for BH Series w/ 1 Head $950.00
Fisher Scientific Isotemp 4100 H5P Open Heated PPO Water Bath Circulator 95C 5L 120 Volts - Great Shape! $950.00
Drucker Horizon 653ES Easy Spin 12 Centrifuge w/ ROTOR - Excellent Only 388 Runs! $950.00
Hamilton PA-85 Portable PA Amplifier DVD Karaoke system w/ 18 Karaoke DVDs & Mic - VIDEO $950.00
Sartorius CP64 60g Analytical Balance Laboratory Benchtop Scale - Weight Verified $950.00
Life Technologies Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine - Model 7467 w/ 314 Chip Kits $950.00
Brinkmann Kinematica PT10-35 Homogenizer Mixer with PCU/11 Control w Benchtop Stand $950.00
Labconco RapidVap Vacuum Solvent Evaporation System - vortex motion, heat, and vacuum $950.00
GE AKTA INV-907 Amersham Pharmacia Motor Valve - Exceptional Condition $950.00
Fisher Scientific Centrific Centrifuge Model 225 w/ 24 Place Fixed Angle Rotor & Tubes - GREAT! $949.00
GE AKTA PV-908 Amersham Pharmacia 8 Way Motor Valve - Only 117 Turns! $949.00
Zeiss Axio Microscope Fluorescence Cube Filter Slider 4 FL 446425 $949.00
Mettler Toledo PG503-S Toploading Balance Lab Benchtop Scale - Weight Verified $900.00
Pickering PCX 5200 PCX5200 1152-2211 Post Column Derivatizer - Power Tested Only $899.00
GE PANAMETRICS AT868-1-1-1 - AquaTrans Flowmeter AT 868 $899.00
Reichert MicroStar IV 410 Microscope Binocular Microscope w/ 5 Obj OIL 100x 50x 40x 10x 4x $899.00
Stratagene UV Stratalinker 2400 TESTED with Warranty SEE VIDEO $899.00
Lachat AIM 1250 autosampler $899.00
Dionex LC25 Laboratory HPLC Oven w/ASRS Ultra 4mm 53946 w/ Warranty $899.00
Metric Splicer Model 5001 Ultrasonic Film Splicer #1 - VIDEO! EXCEPTIONAL! $850.00
Wiltron Model 6747B-20 Swept Frequency Synthesizer $850.00