Staff Picks!
Savant RT-490 Refrigerated Condensation Trap w/ GP110 Vacuum Pump -90C TM100 GIT $2,500.00
HP/Agilent 8453 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer, tested, warranty $2,500.00
Mettler Toledo MX5 Micro Balance - BASE ONLY - FOR PARTS or REPAIR ONLY $2,500.00
HELMER QuickThaw DH8 Plasma Thawing System w/ DT1 Thermometer, Trays $2,500.00
CellaVision DM9600 Digital Cell Morphology Analyzer - Parts or Repair $2,500.00
Beckman AIRFUGE High Speed UltraCentrifuge w/ ACR-90 Chylomicron Rotor - Works Great! $2,499.00
IEC Centrifuge HN-SII with 245 Rotor w/ 3225 Buckets 7234 7231 Inserts & Manual - GREAT! $2,499.00
Perkin Elmer AS 90Plus Autosampler for Analyst 100/300 AA, ICP-OES, ICP-MS $2,499.00
Cole Parmer MasterFlex I/P 7592-82 w/ Easy-Load 77601-60 & 7592-40 0.2 HP Pump Drive $2,450.00
UNICO 4802 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer w/ 4 sample holder, tested, warranty $2,400.00
Arcturus PixCell IIe Laser Capture Microdissection Microscope, for parts or repair $2,400.00
Ismatec MCP V5.12 ISM726B-0532 Dispensing Peristaltic Pump w/ CA4 (4) Channel Pump Head $2,399.00
2010 THERMO HERAcell VIOS 150i CO2 Stainless Laboratory INCUBATOR w/ Rolling Cart $2,350.00
Cetac U5000AT Ultrasonic Nebulizer System ICP-AES ICP-MS 120V 50/60Hz $2,250.00
Haemoscope TEG 5000 Thrombelastograph Hemostasis Analyzer $2,250.00
IEC Centrifuge HN-SII with 268 Rotor, buckets, inserts, and Manual $2,250.00
Mettler Toledo XS64 Analytical Balance Scale - Weight Verified - Excellent Condition $2,150.00
EPPENDORF 5415 R 5415R Refrigerated Benchtop Centrifuge w/ F45-24-11 rotor + Lid $2,100.00
Bio-Tek Biolog ELx808 BLG Microplate Reader, tested, warranty $2,100.00
2019 Bio-Rad TC20 Automated Cell Counter with WARRANTY TC 20 $2,000.00
ABI 9901 Veriti PCR Thermal Cycler 96-well Thermocycler, 0.1ml, verified, 90 day warranty! $2,000.00
Eppendorf 5331 MasterCycler Gradient Thermocycler w/ Warranty $1,999.00
Buchi V-1000P Vacuum Pump - Dual V500 configuration $1,950.00
BioTek ELx800 UV Absorbance Microplate Reader $1,900.00