Standard Centrifuges

Clay Adams READACRIT 0591 Benchtop Centrifuge Rotor / Magnifying Glass - Exceptional Condition! Out of stock
Clay Adams READACRIT 0591 Benchtop Centrifuge with Rotor Out of stock
Clay Adams READACRIT 0591 Benchtop Centrifuge with Rotor / Magnifying Glass Out of stock
Clay Adams READACRIT 420591 Benchtop Centrifuge with Rotor / Magnifying Glass Out of stock
Clay Adams Sero-Fuge 2001 Benchtop Centrifuge w/ Rotor & Manual - VIDEO! $799.00
Clay Adams Sero-Fuge 2001 Benchtop Centrifuge with rotor Out of stock
Clay Adams SERO-FUGE II 0541 Benchtop Centrifuge with Rotor Out of stock
Clay Adams SERO-FUGE II 0541 Benchtop Centrifuge with Rotor Out of stock
Clay Adams Triac Centrifuge Blood separation, micro-hematocrits, urine sediment Out of stock
Clay Adams Triac Centrifuge Blood separation, micro-hematocrits, urine sediment, #1 $2,699.00
Clay Adams Triac Centrifuge Blood separation, micro-hematocrits, urine sediment, #2 $2,699.00
Clay Adams Triac Centrifuge Blood separation, micro-hematocrits, urine sedimentation Out of stock
Clay Adams Triac Centrifuge Blood separation, micro-hematocrits, urine sedimentation Out of stock
Cole-Parmer Heavy Duty Dual Speed Roto-Torque Rotator 7637 $399.00
Copy of Savant SVC-100H SpeedVac Concentrator Centrifuge Evaporator w/ RH40-11 Rotor Out of stock
Corning LSE 6765 Mini Microcentrifuge, 120V $199.00
Corning LSE 6765 Mini Microcentrifuge, 120V $199.00
Drucker 642E Horizon Mini E 3400rpm Single-Speed Electronic Centrifuge with Rotor $250.00
Drucker Biomet 755VES Sample separation centrifuge - Excellent Only 68 Runs! Out of stock
Drucker Horizon 642VES horizontal programmable, multi-purpose centrifuge Out of stock
Drucker Horizon 653ES Easy Spin 12 Centrifuge w/ ROTOR - Excellent Only 388 Runs! $950.00
ELITech Wescor Aerospray Pro 7151 Slide Stainer Cytocentrifuge 120V Out of stock
Elma Elmasonic P70H Ultra Sonic Heated Bath Cleaner 1.8 Gallon - Video! $1,500.00
EmCyte Corporation Pure PRP, PRP & BMA Executive Centrifuge w/ A-4-38 Rotor & Swinging Buckets 120V Out of stock