2022 CORNING LSE Corning 6780-FP LOW SPEED ORBITAL SHAKER 30 x 30 cm platform $450.00
Barnstead - Corning MegaPure Water Purification Still MP-1 Out of stock
Corning LSE 6765 Mini Microcentrifuge, 120V $199.00
Corning LSE 6765 Mini Microcentrifuge, 120V $199.00
Corning Model PC-510 10"x10" Magnetic Stirrer Tested Works Great - VIDEO! $229.00
Corning PC-35 Lab Hot Plate 6" x 7" w/ Variable Temp 120V - TESTED to 895F ! $149.00
Lot of Corning pH Electode Cat No. 476024 and 476050 $199.00