Arcturus PixCell IIe Laser Capture Microdissection Microscope, for parts or repair $2,400.00
Nikon Microscope Flip Top Achr 0.90 Condenser for Labophot Optiphot Out of stock
Nikon PFX Electronic Shutter Mechanism for Optical Microscope 161856 $175.00
Olympus U-SDO Beam Splitter Out of stock
Olympus BH BHA Trinocular Microscope w/ UVFL 100 UVFL 40, UVFL 10 Objectives $1,499.00
Olympus BH Microscope Dual Viewing/Teaching Arm Tube for BH Series w/ 1 Head $950.00
Olympus BH-2 BHT Microscope - S Plan 100x 40x 10x Objectives with Manual $1,500.00
Olympus BH-2 BHTU microscope - 100x 40x 10x objectives with Manual $750.00
Olympus BH-2 BHTU microscope with 3 objectives Out of stock
Olympus BH-2 BHTU microscope with 4 objectives, 2 condensers (Abbe, Darkfield), case $1,900.00
Olympus BH2-RFL-T3 100W High Pressure Mercury Burner Power Supply Out of stock
Olympus BX40F Microscope Body with 1 objective - PARTS OR REPAIR Out of stock
Olympus BX41TF Microscope U-TBI-CLI Tilting Binocular Head, 3 objectives $3,750.00
Olympus BX41TF microscope with U-AC2 condenser, U-BI30-2 widefield binocular Head, 3 objectives Out of stock
Olympus BX41TF microscope with U-DCW darkfield condenser, U-BI30-2 widefield binocular Head, 3 objectives Out of stock
Olympus BX45TF microscope, 4 objectives, PRIOR motorized stage, digital imaging Out of stock
Olympus Ch-2 CHT Microscope W/ 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x Objectives - TESTED $650.00
Olympus CLK-3 Cold Light Supply Source Endoscopy Endoscope w/ NEW BULBS Out of stock
Olympus CX31 Microscope + 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x Oil PlanC N Objectives - Exceptional Condition Out of stock
OLYMPUS DP20-5 MICROSCOPE CAMERA with U-CMAD3 & U-TV1X-2 Adapters Out of stock
Olympus ENF-P4 Rhinolaryngoscope Out of stock
OLYMPUS IX-70 Microscope Base $1,750.00
Olympus IX-RFAC Microscope 4 Cube Turret with U-NMB U-MWG U-MWB Cubes Out of stock