Ismatec IP 78023-30 Standard-Speed Planetary Gear-Driven Digital Pump 16 Channel
Web Information
- Planetary drive with eight SS rotors reduces pulsation, increases flow rate accuracy, and lengthens tubing life
- Four-digit LED display facilitates repeatability
- Automatic occlusion cartridges are easy to use and provide reproducible results
- Control pump via 6-button keypad or analog and TTL external signals
More About this Item
These multichannel pumps feature planetary gears that drive eight stainless steel rollers in unison for smooth rotation and accurate liquid flow. The four-digit LED display shows rpm or percent of maximum rpm when pump is running. Use the MAX button to instantly increase speed for priming or flushing without disturbing your programmed settings.
Combine tubing sizes and formulations to suit your application. There are two types of cassettes offered - Click’n’go™ and Pressure Lever cartridges. Click’n’go™ feature automatic occlusion for simplified use, fewer tubing changes, and reproducible results. Install cartridges in one direction for low pulsation; in opposite direction for higher counter pressure. Pressure Lever Cartridges offer the user the opportunity to manually adjust the back pressure experienced by the tubing / pump combination
Enter pump speeds via the 6-button keypad for precise pumping—ideal for continuous pumping.
Analog inputs allow you to remotely control speed; TTL contact closure provides start/stop, rotation direction, and autostart control. Monitor speed via analog output. Dispenser may be attached to DB15 female port.
Good functional and cosmetic condition.
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(1) Ismatec 78023-30 Standard-Speed Digital Peristaltic Pump 16 Channel
(11) Tubing Cassettes
(1) Power cable
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