Metric Splicer, Incorporated Model 5001 Ultrasonic Film Splicer #2 - Read, Video
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Metric Splicer, Incorporated Model 5001 Ultrasonic Film Splicer
Unit is working but has a worn down aluminum head where the film splices. Upon running the unit is gets near the worn down end and the tension wheel spins causing more wear. We feel the unit can be repaired if you have access to a replacement head. Please see photos and video.
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Metric Splicer, Incorporated Model 5001 Ultrasonic Film Splicer
- Power cord
Parts or repair -- no warranty as this unit is in need of a replacement part to become fully functional.
This is a genuine product from this manufacturer.
The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. the item is subject to FDA regulation, we will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item."
Regardless of the origin of the equipment, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the equipment, the equipment described and offered here is in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The purchaser agrees that the seller shall not be held responsible or liable for any injuries or damages, whether incidental or consequential, associated in any way with the equipment. The purchaser, by bidding on this equipment, indicates their acknowledgment of, and agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. it is the purchaser's responsibility to have the item inspected and certified by a qualified professional before use!