MJ Research PTC-100 Peltier Thermal Cycler

MJ Research


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Web Information

The MJ Research PTC-100 is a robust thermocycler that provides solutions for various temperature configuration needs. This instrument comes in versions that use of 96-well or 60-well microplates, as well as a heated lid for oil-free operation. The Hot Bonnet heated lid fitted in each unit has a thumbwheel that allows for the convenient adjustment of height and pressure. The modification feature ensures the tight sealing of reaction vessels and microplates during oil-free thermal cycling.

The Precise Peltier-effect heat pumps of PTC-100 thermocyclers were crafted to withstand repeated cycling. Any temperature sequence can be cycled up to 10,000 times. The NIST-traceable calibration feature of this instrument allows for the indefinite storing of material at any temperature. As a result, incubation rates are highly accurate. This calibration feature is also responsible for the refrigeration of results after unsupervised runs.

Data storage is secured and hassle-free with MJ Research PTC-100 thermocyclers. Memory stores approximately 320 programs, and the cycler comes with 14 pre-programmed protocols. Any sequence of temperatures can be cycled up to 10,000 times. Ramping rates less than maximum can also be specified. Data which were not properly stored due to power interruptions are safe for up to twelve hours with the PTC-100's power-failure protection feature.


Used. The item is tested and is in good working condition.  


  • MJ Research PTC-100
  • power cord


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