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#1 Elemental Scientific ESI 4DX Autosampler Perkin Elmer Thermo ICP/ICPMS - Mint Condition! $6,250.00
#2 2015 Leica RM2255 Fully Automated Rotary Microtome w/ Remote control & Foot Pedal Out of stock
#2 Elemental Scientific ESI 4DX Autosampler Perkin Elmer Thermo ICP/ICPMS - Exceptional! $5,750.00
#2 Ludlum Measurements Inc, Model 3 Survey Meter / Geiger Counter 44-1 Head Out of stock
#2 SHANDON Cytospin 3 Centrifuge w/ Rotor - Works Great! See Video! Out of stock
#5 LACHAT QuikChem QC8500 Series 2 3 CHANNEL Flow Injection Analysis ASX-500 RP-150 w/ Omnion 4 PC $28,500.00
(24) Kimble KIMAX 51 Glass 10ml 1/10 Reusable Mohr Measuring Pipette Pipet 37020 $174.99
(9) Kimble Exax 50mL Graduation Tall Form Nessler Tube, 20mm OD X 298mm L #45315 $164.99
+GF+ Georg Fischer Butterfly Valve 161 563 005 d110DN100 4" Typ 563 PN10 EPDM PVC-U - NEW! $259.00
+GF+ Georg Fischer Butterfly Valve 161 563 007 d160DN150 6" Typ 563 PN10 EPDM PVC-U - NEW! $299.00
+GF+ Georg Fischer Butterfly Valve 161-563-008 d225DN200 8" Typ 563 PN10 EPDM PVC-U - NEW! $625.00
2 GEL Electrode INSERT for BIO RAD MINI PROTEAN Tetra Cell System 552BR2 Out of stock
2 Pack Replacement Bulb set for Sakura Tissue-Tek TEC 5 Tissue Embedding Console System $39.99
2005 Leica CV5030 Fully Automated Glass Coverslipper Out of stock
2006 Hitachi Applied Biosystems ABI 3130 4 Capillary DNA Sequencer Out of stock
2006 Nuaire 6' Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet NU-425-600 with UV & STAND $6,000.00
2007 Leica RM2255 Fully Automated Rotary Microtome w/ Remote control & Foot Pedal Out of stock
2007 Miller Dimension 1000 CC/CV DC Electric Welding Power Source for Welding Out of stock
2008 GE LOGIQ P5 Ultrasound System with 3.5C Transducer & Printer $7,500.00
2009 Varian 3900 GC Gas Chromatograph FID w/ CP-8400 Autosampler Out of stock
2010 Allen Bradley Panelview PLUS 1250 2711P-RDT12C C + Logic Module 2711P-RP1A G $1,850.00
2010 GE LOGIQ P5 Ultrasound System with 4C Transducer & Printer Out of stock
2010 Leica RM2255 Fully Automated Rotary Microtome w/ Remote control & Foot Pedal Out of stock
2010 Philips IE33 Ultrasound System w/ 3 Transducers Out of stock