Staff Picks!
2006 Nuaire 6' Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet NU-425-600 with UV & STAND $6,000.00
Thermo Scientific - ID 100 Autodiluter for Flame AAS $5,999.00
#2 Elemental Scientific ESI 4DX Autosampler Perkin Elmer Thermo ICP/ICPMS - Exceptional! $5,750.00
Thermo PrintMate AS 150 Cassette Printer - Histology Lab - Only 24k prints $5,500.00
Apricot Designs I-Pipette Pro IPPR-96-125 Pipetting System - VIDEO! $5,500.00
Biotage OMNI Bead Ruptor 24 Homogenizer for Laboratory Sample Preparation $5,499.00
Eppendorf 5804R New Style Refrigerated Centrifuge with Microplate Rotor A-2-DWP 5804 R $5,450.00
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer G2939A Exceptional condition w/ PC & Software licenses $5,450.00
BTX Gemini X2 Twin Wave Electroporator $5,400.00
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer G2939A System - Exceptional condition, Performance Tests Verified $5,250.00
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer G2939A System - Exceptional condition, Performance Tests Verified (Copy) $5,250.00
Labconco CentriVap Concentrator 7310020 - 115 Volt - VIDEO! $5,200.00
Perkin Elmer FIAS 100 Flow Injection Mercury/Hydride Analysis System Laboratory $5,200.00
HP / Agilent 6890 G1530A Gas Chromatograph Dual PP Inlets, Dual FID detectors $5,000.00
Scican Statim 5000 G4 cassette autoclave, ~2300 cycles. Warranty! $5,000.00
Scican Statim 5000 G4 cassette autoclave, low usage ~1160 cycles. Warranty! $5,000.00
EDAX Detecting Unit PV7760/68 ME Quanta 200 SEM 132-10 Amplifier Model 194 $5,000.00
Leica RM2155 Fully Automated Motorized Rotary Microtome with Foot Pedal $5,000.00
Eppendorf 5430R Refrigerated Benchtop Centrifuge w/FA-45-30-11 Rotor - Nice Condition $5,000.00
Perkin Elmer SMS 100 dedicated mercury analyzer $5,000.00
Eppendorf 5804 Centrifuge, A-2-DWP rotor, new style, speed verified, warranty! $4,900.00
Agilent ASX-500 Series ICP-MS Autosampler G3286A Cetac $4,900.00
Eppendorf 5430R Refrigerated Benchtop Centrifuge w/FA-45-30-11 Rotor $4,800.00
ABI Applied Biosystems ProFlex PCR Thermocycler, 96 well, warranty! $4,800.00