Staff Picks!
2019 Thermo Sorvall Legend XTR Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ TX-750 Rotor, Buckets - Exceptional! $4,799.00
Thermo Fisher WellWash 1x8 MicroPlate Washer with Bottles & Warranty VIDEO! $4,750.00
Eppendorf 5810 R 5810R Refrigerated Centrifuge, A-4-62 rotor, warranty $4,700.00
Perkin Elmer S10 Autosampler for AA, ICP-OES and ICP-MS N2020020 $4,699.00
Metkon Qualitest Metapress-M 5 ton semi-automatic mounting press, excellent condition, warranty $4,599.00
Perkin Elmer AS 93Plus Autosampler $4,599.00
BIOTAGE TurboVap LV Evaporator Sample Concentrator Workstation w/ Manual & Racks $4,500.00
Horizon Dryvap 5000 w/ (2) SPE-DEX SPE-4790 Extractor, SPC-100 Controller, Vac pump & accessories $4,500.00
Cetac Lachat ASX-500 Series Autosampler Model ASX-510 $4,500.00
Virtis Benchtop 4k 4KBTXL Freeze Dryer Lyophilizer SP Industries 448053 $4,500.00
Nikon D-Eclipse C1si spectral imaging confocal laser scanning microscope PARTS $4,500.00
DNI Nevada MedTester 5000C Auto Electrical Safety Analyzer with ver 5.12 upgrade $4,200.00
Thermo NanoDrop ND-1000 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer w/ PC - Warranty #2 $4,000.00
Thermo NanoDrop ND-1000 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer w/ Laptop & USB cable - Warranty $4,000.00
Audioscan VF-1 Verifit 1 Real Ear Hearing Aid Analyzer 2022 Software Accessories $3,999.00
Perkin Elmer Lambda Bio 40 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer $3,999.00
HP Agilent 1100 HPLC G1310A Isocratic Pump $3,999.00
HP Agilent 1100 G1389A Micro ALS HPLC Autosampler $3,999.00
Olympus Microscope SZH w/ Bright Field/Dark Field Base 1X & 2X Objectives / Light $3,899.00
Thermo Scientific Sorvall ST16 Centrifuge w/ 75003658 Rotor 4x 75003659 Buckets, tested $3,800.00
Shimadzu LC-20AD Prominence Liquid Chromatograph Pump, tested, see video $3,799.00
Eppendorf 5804R Refrigerated Centrifuge A-4-44 Rotor & Buckets - Excellent Shape $3,750.00
Olympus BX41TF Microscope U-TBI-CLI Tilting Binocular Head, 3 objectives $3,750.00
Tecan Hydro Flex Wash Station 96 Well Microplate Washer - VIDEO $3,750.00