Top Selling products!
Tecan Hydro Flex Wash Station 96 Well Microplate Washer - VIDEO $3,750.00
TECHNE 3Prime 30 x 0.5ml Thermal Cycler w/ GRADIENT option - Model 3 Prime G/05 $1,899.00
Tekmar Dohrmann Velocity XPT Purge & Trap Concentrator $2,850.00
Tektronix 2221 100 MHz Dual Channel Oscilloscope $279.00
Tektronix PS 503 triple power supply in TM 501 power module $375.00
Teledyne Instruments External Gas Pressure Regulator 14-3938-000 $299.00
Thermo 2314 Multi-Purpose Variable Speed Rotator / 12x12" Platform $399.00
Thermo 2866 265 Precision Heated Circulating Laboratory Water Bath 35.4L 120 V $1,499.00
Thermo 374 Fluoroskan Ascent Microplate Reader with Laptop & Software $7,500.00
Thermo Barnstead Labline Titer Plate Shaker 4625 11" Platform 120V FULLY TESTED $399.00
Thermo CL-2 CL2 centrifuge, 236 rotor, 2091S 2092S inserts, w/ Warranty $1,150.00
THERMO Cryotome FSE Cryostat with Blade Holder -- Tested to -20 C -- 2022 PM! $7,500.00
Thermo Electron Model 8031 Liquid Nitrogen Dewar Tank Lab w/ Racks and Rolling Cart $1,850.00
Thermo Fisher WellWash 1x8 MicroPlate Washer with Bottles & Warranty VIDEO! $4,750.00
Thermo Labsystems 392 Luminoskan Ascent Microplate Reader $1,499.00
Thermo Matrix Electronic 12 Channel Pipette, 125 µl $189.00
Thermo mySPIN 6 Mini Centrifuge - VIDEO - Includes Warranty $150.00
Thermo NanoDrop ND-1000 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer w/ Laptop & USB cable - Warranty $4,000.00
Thermo NanoDrop ND-1000 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer w/ PC - Warranty #2 $4,000.00
Thermo PrintMate AS 150 Cassette Printer - Histology Lab - Only 24k prints $5,500.00
Thermo PrintMate AS 450 Cassette Printer w/ Manual - 2022 PM! $7,500.00
THERMO PTI Piramoon FiberLite F15-8x50c 15,000 RPM Fixed Angle Rotor - Exceptional Condition! $2,750.00
Thermo Savant OFP400-115 Oil-Free Vacuum Pumps for Vacuum Concentrators $3,000.00
Thermo Scientific - ID 100 Autodiluter for Flame AAS $5,999.00