Top Selling products!
Thermo Scientific 3950 Reach-in Large Capacity Incubator with Warranty $6,500.00
Thermo Scientific 88880023 Compact Digital Microplate Shaker w/ Warranty $475.00
Thermo Scientific Direct Probe Controller 1R119300-5000, Probe, Removal Tool $1,600.00
Thermo Scientific Heratherm IMC 18 17°C to 40°C 18L Small Incubator with Warranty $699.00
Thermo Scientific MaxQ 4450 Digital HEATED Benchtop Orbital Shaker Incubator - Tested! $3,250.00
Thermo Scientific Precision 2860 Coliform Heated Recirculating Water Bath 17.5 Liters 120V $675.00
Thermo Scientific Precision Coliform Waterbath COL 19, 19L capacity $1,400.00
Thermo Scientific Precision GP 28 / TSGP28 General Purpose HEATED Water Bath $1,299.00
Thermo Scientific Precision Gravity Lab Oven Model 6524 - Temp Verified to 400F $1,250.00
Thermo Scientific Small Laboratory Refrigerator 02LREETSA, 1.8 cu ft - Tested to 33F $450.00
Thermo Scientific Sorvall ST16 Centrifuge w/ 75003658 Rotor 4x 75003659 Buckets, tested $3,800.00
Thermo Scientific ST40R centrifuge w/ M-20 75003624 microplate rotor $7,000.00
Thermo Scientific Titer Plate Shaker 4625 w/ Warranty - VIDEO! #1 $450.00
THERMO Shandon Cytospin 4 Centrifuge w/ Rotor - Exceptional Condition! $6,250.00
THERMO Shandon Cytospin 4 Centrifuge w/ Rotor - Great Working Condition! $6,250.00
THERMO SMART 2 Small tube metal tip RFID tag Dispensing Cassette N15135 (1/Pack) $425.00
THERMO SMART 2 Standard tube RFID tag Dispensing Cassette N15137 (1/Pack) $425.00
Thermo Sorvall Legend Micro 17 Centrifuge w/ 24 x 4g 75003524 rotor $1,100.00
Thermo Sorvall Legend Micro 17R IVD centrifuge w/ 24 place rotor. DOM 2020. Nice! $3,400.00
Thermolyne Cimarec 1 SP46615 Laboratory Stirring Hotplate 4" x 4" 900F - Excellent Condition! $299.00
Thermolyne Maxi Mix II Model M37615 Mixer Barnstead/Thermolyne - VIDEO! $75.00
Thermolyne SYBRON Nuova 7 Laboratory Stirring Hotplate 7" x 7" 700F $199.00
Tosoh G8 HLC-723G8 Automated Glycohemoglobin Analyzer w/ G8-90SL Sample Loader $6,500.00
Trima Accel Automated Blood Collection System Terumo BCT - Seal Safe, Version 7 2022 PM $8,500.00