SYSMEX XE-2100 Automated Hematology System - with PC - Excellent Condition!


SKU: sysmex

Web Information

    Even with these challenges, the need for hematology testing has remained steady or continued to grow.
    Laboratories require hematology analyzers that improve productivity and efficiency while providing
    enhanced clinical information. Designed to be scalable, reliable and efficient, the Sysmex XE-2100™ offers
    medium to high volume labs an automated hematology system that can truly meet and exceed their expectations.
    The XE-2100 will streamline your workflow by providing rapid testing for up to 150 samples per hour.

    The Sysmex XE-2100 Automated Hematology System utilizes the power of fluorescent flow cytometry and
    hydrodynamic focusing technologies. Using a unique, state-of-the-art, diode laser bench, Sysmex fluorescent
    flow cytometry provides the sensitivity needed for measuring and differentiating cell types in both whole
    blood and body fluid samples. Fluorescent technology and hydrodynamic focusing enable the XE-2100 to
    consistently classify normal WBC, RBC and PLT populations from abnormal populations, thereby
    decreasing the number of manual interventions.

    Immature Granulocyte Count
    Unique to Sysmex, the XE-2100 offers a 6-part differential, which includes an Immature Granulocyte Count (IG%, #).
    The IG count provides reportable, quantitative results that includes metamyelocytes, myelocytes and promyelocytes.

    The IG Count provides:
    Improved accuracy and sensitivity:
    • Reduced false positive and
    false negative rates
    • Result consistency by reducing
    tech-to-tech variation in reporting
    manual differentials

    Improved workflow:
    • Fewer manual differentials means
    faster turnaround time (TAT)

    Labor Savings:
    • Fewer manual slide reviews
    improves laboratory efficiency and
    supports higher laboratory output.

    Fluorescent Nucleated
    Red Blood Cells
    Enumeration of NRBCs is critical to providing an accurate WBC and differential in pathological samples.
    The XE-2100 fluorescent technology provides an NRBC in both % and # from a dedicated channel.

    The NRBC measurement provides:
    • Improved low-end sensitivity
    • Rapid reporting to assist
    clinicians in patient diagnosis
    and treatment decisions
    • Efficient automatic correction of
    WBC and Diff results
    • Decreased false negative and
    false positive rates with advanced
    separation from WBCs and RBCs
    • Available with every CBC or as
    a reflexive testing option

    Standard Parameters:
    • NRBC – Fluorescent NRBC count with excellent sensitivity and specificity
    • PLT-O – Fluorescent optical platelet count and traditional impedance
    PLT counting to improve accuracy at low and high PLT counting ranges
    • Retic – Fluorescent reticulocyte count to reduce manual confirmation
    methods and their inherent errors
    Optional Parameters:
    • RET-He* – Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content measures the incorporation
    of iron into the red cell to assist the physician in anemia evaluation and
    management (e.g., functional iron deficiency anemia)
    • IPF* – Immature platelet fraction (measurement of reticulated platelets)
    to monitor thrombopoietic activity of the marrow
    • HPC* – Quantitative hematopoietic progenitor cell count as a screen
    for the presence of hematopoietic progenitor cells in peripheral
    blood and cord blood samples
    * Optional on the XE-2100

    Fluorescent Reticulocyte Count
    Known as the “Gold Standard” in reticulocyte testing, the fluorescent
    reticulocyte count is available on the XE-2100. Sysmex provides on-board
    retic testing in a dedicated channel, improving your efficiency in reporting
    reticulocytes 24 hours per day.
    With the use of fluorescent technology, the retic channel provides:
    • Accurate reticulocyte counting in both % and absolute #
    • Improved immature reticulocyte information (IRF)
    for earlier diagnosis and treatment by clinicians
    • Elimination of common interferences from Howell-Jolly bodies,
    Pappenheimer bodies and immature reticulocytes to avoid
    manual counts
    Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Measurement (RET-He)*
    RET- He* is a parameter measured in the reticulocyte channel
    and is used to measure the incorporation of iron into
    erythrocyte hemoglobin.
    The RET-He parameter supports:
    • Assessment of anemia and is an established parameter used in
    KDOQI (Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative) guidelines
    for assessing the initial iron status of patients
    • Rapid, direct analysis of an earlier stage of RBC development
    for prompt clinical follow-up
    • Accuracy and sensitivity in measurement of red cell production
    that supports effective monitoring of costly drug protocols for
    cell stimulation

    Fluorescent Optical Platelet
    The XE-2100 offers both a traditional impedance count and a fluorescent optical count. The Fluorescent Optical
    Platelet (PLT-O) is a complementary parameter to the impedance platelet count. The instrument flagging,
    associated with atypical or abnormal platelets, is minimized by use of the optical platelet count. Use of the
    optical platelet count on patients with platelet abnormalities, improves the accuracy in reporting results.

    The PLT-O parameter provides:
    • Improved accuracy on low platelet counts
    • Accurate counts when interferences are present, thus reducing manual intervention
    • Automated judgment for reporting PLT-O or impedance PLT through instrument settings, eliminating tech-to-tech decision variability


    Excellent working condition!  Just received from a lab closure.


    • SYSMEX XE-2100 Automated Hematology System
    • Control computer
    • Vacuum pump
    • Manuals and accessories



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          This is a genuine product from this manufacturer.


          The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. the item is subject to FDA regulation, we will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item."

          Regardless of the origin of the equipment, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the equipment, the equipment described and offered here is in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The purchaser agrees that the seller shall not be held responsible or liable for any injuries or damages, whether incidental or consequential, associated in any way with the equipment. The purchaser, by bidding on this equipment, indicates their acknowledgment of, and agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. it is the purchaser's responsibility to have the item inspected and certified by a qualified professional before use!